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What We Do


Organizing formal education for children.

SASO runs several Literacy Classes for the following:-

  • Full time classes for out of school children.

  • Part time classes for working children.

  • Rehabilitation for Children with thinking difficulties. 


Sponsorship Scheme  & Casework

Improving the lives of under-privileged people

As a way of setting the pace for poor families to follow, sponsorship has initiated as start- up aid to motivate under-privileged families and group of children to improve their situation through school enrollment.
Further, casework helps the parents to know their social responsibility towards their ward since every child has a right to education and well being.


Providing services to the community

To improve socio-economic, psychological and physical needs of the destitute in society, SASO organizes seminars of health and environmental education and general outreach for the community.


Skills training

Encouraging and building the competences of youth workers

SASO has organized workshops in the following areas: career guidance, entrepreneurship skills development, digital communication, cooking, soap making, hair dressing, beads and fabric making.


Being a shelter for everybody

A drop in- centre where everybody can visit irrespective of their physical, economic, social background for support and care.

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